Evergreen’s Message from the Board for December

Evergreen cn

Hello Evergreen residents,

Hope all are enjoying the holiday season with family and friends.

Planning For the New Year

On efforts to serve our beautiful community, our board is working on putting a plan for next years’ (yes 2025!) events. We will upload the schedule on our website and on social media once it is ready. If you have any suggestions or ideas or would like to lead or participate in one of our events, please contact us at [email protected].

Seniors’ Hobnob

The Seniors’ Hobnob will not be held this month but will resume its regular day and time, every last Wednesday of the month between 6:00 and 7:00 pm at Swan Evergreen Village (2635 Eversyde Ave SW).

Ice Rink

Our team of enthusiastic ice rink volunteers installed the ice rink and is working hard to make it ready for another season of fun and enjoyment. A huge thank you goes to the Evergreen residents who helped and are still helping to have the ice rink functional. To maintain the rink, we have only a few people helping out and need more. If you can volunteer with us, your efforts are greatly appreciated. Please send an email to [email protected] if you can give a hand. You can also visit our Facebook page, Evergreen Rink Rats, for updates on the ice rink.

Evergreen Christmas Lights Contest

The Christmas Lights Contest is back, and you may have already noticed some houses lighting up our streets. Check out our website for more details on how you can participate and stay tuned for the winners to be announced later this month.

Volunteers Wanted

We are always looking for people like yourself to help in serving our community. You can help us by either being a board member or volunteer at one or more of the events that we hold throughout the year. We are looking for a board volunteer to fill in the webmaster position. Training is available.

For more information about how to volunteer with us, please email us at [email protected].

CECA Membership

I would like to remind all to purchase/renew their memberships. This can be done online by going to the membership page at www.myceca.ca/membership or mail in the membership page included in this newsletter. CECA is a volunteer based non-for-profit organization and with your support via membership purchase and donations, our events, programs, and installation of the outdoor ice rink becomes possible.

Until next time, stay safe and warm!

Mohamd Sltan

President, Calgary Evergreen Community Association (CECA)

[email protected] 403-397-7722 www.myceca.ca

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