Springbank Hill’s President’s Message for January


Greetings residents,

We received the sad news in late November 2024 that Ward 6 Councillor Richard Pootmans resigned his position due to personal and family reasons. I wanted to take this opportunity to acknowledge Richard’s unwavering support, dedication, and advocacy for our community over the three terms that he served us as our councillor. I was able to work with Richard in my role with the community association and get to know him over a large portion of his twelve years on council. He always found time to meet with me and discuss our many requests for his help with community association challenges, and we appreciated his attendance at our board meetings as well. We will miss Richard, and we do wish him all the best.

Our board is resuming our regular monthly board meeting schedule in January following the Christmas holiday period. We are pleased to report that we have added three new board members as well as one new volunteer for our planning committee. These additions will allow us to accelerate our work on our various strategic initiatives in the new year. Stay tuned for announcements as we plan some new and exciting events in particular and consider visiting one of our two ice skating rinks this month. Feel free to provide us feedback on our events, programs, and facilities. We are continuing our search for additional volunteers and would be pleased to meet with anyone interested in learning more about our current openings. And we do appreciate any feedback you may have for us concerning our facilities, events, and programs.

Stay warm and safe and enjoy the winter season here in Springbank Hill.

Elio Cozzi

President, Springbank Hill Community Association

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