Riverbend’s Winter Programs


January to April 2025

Register online at www.riverbendcommunity.ca/programs

Pilates with Yoga

Tuesdays, 7:00 to 8:00 pm in the Bow room

For 11 weeks, January 7 to March 18, 2025

Each class will include a flowing series to warm the body, hold postures to build strength, and balance postures to increase stability. Classes will end with gentle stretches and relaxation. If you are new to physical activity, please check with your physician prior to starting a new exercise routine.

Cost $165 for RCA Members | $185 for Non-Members

Dance Fitness

Mondays, 7:30 to 8:30 pm in the Bow Room

For ten weeks, January 6 to March 17, 2025. No class Family Day

Dance Fitness is an easy-to-follow cardio dance class with a mix of popular and international rhythms guaranteed to make you sweat! A portion of the class is dedicated to toning choreography with the use of light hand weights.

Cost $165 for RCA Members | $185 for Non-Members | Drop-in price $20

Kids and Youth

Girl Guides of Canada

Girl Guides of Canada is the largest organization for girls and women in Canada. Meetings are every Wednesday at 6:30 pm, September to June. Sparks (ages 5 to 6) Elbow River Room; Brownies (ages 7 to 8) Bow River Room; Guides (ages 9 to 11) Carburn Park Room; Pathfinders (ages 12 to 14) Heritage Room. Contact [email protected] or www.girlguides.ca for more information.

Calgary Young People’s Theater

CYPT provides professional caliber mentorship, training, and performance opportunities to youth ages 4 to 18. Our extensive year-round programming includes productions, camps, classes, workshops, and new play development. Register online at www.cypt.ca/classes/. For more information, please email [email protected].

Little Steps Before and After School Care/Out of School Care

For children ages 5 to 12 years attending Riverbend Elementary School and Holy Angels. Open Monday to Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, September to June. Closed all statutory holidays, open all PD days.

Contact [email protected], 403-554-3605, www.littlestepschildcare.ca/riverbend-preschool/, or www.littlestepsbac.ca for more information.

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