January’s SECA Report

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Happy New Year! Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy, and abundant 2025!

SECA is beyond proud of all that we managed to accomplish last year and we’re looking forward to building even more community connections in 2025. Here’s to another great year of inspiring neighbourliness and a sense of belonging amongst Shawnee Evergreen residents.

Community Campfires; A Much-Loved SECA Tradition

SECA residents and their guests are invited to gather around our campfires to enjoy free food, music, and fun. Campfires are the fourth Saturday of the month through to April. Be sure to mark your calendars for these upcoming dates:

• January 25 – location TBD – look for posters on park A-frames and Little Libraries

• February 22 – location TBD

• March 22 – Evergreen Drive SW Park

• April 26 – Evergreen Circle SW Park

Thank you to the new volunteers who stepped up to support our campfires this season!

SOARING (Strengthening Opportunities for Adolescent Resilience, INclusion and Growth) is a provincially funding program supporting a youth led project in Shawnee Evergreen. The idea is to strengthen opportunities for youth ages 12 to 24 to live healthy, safe, and active lives here. Email [email protected] for more information and watch for posters in the community promoting monthly events.

Youth programs and the SOARING project will be a focus this year. Watch for more information about our Games Nights. Email [email protected] with questions.

55+ Healthy and Happy Programs

Join us in January for a variety of free programs designed to keep seniors (55+) active and engaged!

• Thursday, January 9 (13:00 to 14:30 pm), Tai Chi Class or Card Games and Coffee

• Thursday, January 16 (9:30 to 11:00 am), Technology Class 10 – Games and Entertainment

• Thursday, January 23 (13:00 to 14:30 pm), Tai Chi Class or Card Games and Coffee

• Thursday, January 30 (9:30 to 11:00 am), Technology Class 11 – Cyber Security and Scams

Come join the fun! All sessions are held at Peace Lutheran Church (14640 6 Street SW). No registration is required. See more programs at https://bit.ly/seca55 or reach out to [email protected] or 403-333-9982. Our corps of volunteers support the programs, and new volunteers are always welcome.

Alerting City Departments

If you have concerns related to a wide variety of situations, you may alert officials using the portals below. The more requests that are received, the higher priority the issue will become.

1. If you wish to report a public safety situation related to speed, cross walks or any policing topic, submit a Police Traffic Service request by using the QR code below or searching for Traffic Service Request on the Calgary Police website (https://www.calgary.ca/cps/traffic/traffic-service-requests.html).

2. To request action or report a situation related to City topics, call 3-1-1 or use the use their online portal (https://calgary-cwiprod.motorolasolutions.com/cwi/tile).

It’s A Poopy Problem!

We have many responsible dog owners, but the snow seems to increase the tendency to just ‘leave the poop’. Please do not and if you see someone ‘just leaving it’, call them out and provide a bag if you can. Also, there is no poop bag pickup service! If you fill a bag, please dispose of it properly. There are several waste receptacles available or carry it home. If you see a full bag on the ground or hanging in a tree, please complete its journey to the nearest waste bin if you can. If we all do our part, the spring melt will be more pleasant for all!

A Bit of Time for SECA?

Thank you to all those who signed up to help at the AGM. Our search is ongoing for more volunteers with a variety of skills and experience including administration, project management, event management, communications, as well as those with an interest in housing, development, and planning. Please email [email protected] to explore how your skills and availability could be matched with the projects that SECA is tackling. By volunteering, you’ll be making an impact close to home and that is terrifically rewarding. Please join us in this valuable work.

SECA Board of Directors

Click here to the Evergreen Estates Community News home page for the latest Evergreen Estates community updates.

Click here to the Shawnee Slopes Community News home page for the latest Shawnee Slopes community updates.