What’s Up at Arbour Lake in February


Happy New Year Arbour Lake!

Thanks to the hard work of our staff, the ice has had a great start since mid-December. Residents have been delighted to be outdoors and have been enjoying their days skating and/or ice fishing.

We’ve hosted many exciting events this holiday season from our Light the Night event where we shone over 100,000 new lights with horse drawn wagon rides and a visit from Santa.

Throughout the winter season we accepted Toy Drive Donations for the Ronald McDonald House of Calgary to help families in need. This year we had an incredible amount of donations from the community. Thank you for helping make a difference!

We are excited to announce that we will be hosting the Polar Plunge again! Come support Special Olympics Alberta athletes by jumping into the cold lake water, donating, or joining us on March 1 to cheer on the jumpers. We hope to see you there in support of this great cause!

Stay updated on what is going on at the lake by checking out our website and social media, @ArbourLakeResidentsAssociation on Instagram and Facebook.

Click here to the Arbour Lake Community News home page for the latest Arbour Lake community updates.