Rosemont’s President’s Message for February

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Howdy Rosemontians!

Hope everyone is enjoying the brisk weather and are taking advantage of the great outdoor ice down at the community hall. Just a reminder that we keep the lights on late so if you want to skate without anyone around, definitely come later in the evening for great access to the best outdoor ice in the city.

We may be helping host an outdoor skating party with our friends at Rosemont School on February 8. This event is still being planned as I write this so please visit for details.

With the recent blanket rezoning bylaw going into effect, some residents have been asking about a legal tool called Restrictive Covenants (RCs) that can limit development on a property. We have compiled an information sheet with basic information, available at

There will also be a Restrictive Covenant information session at the hall on February 10 at 7:00 pm. This session will provide information about Restrictive Covenants which can be used to limit the types of development such as fourplexes and townhouses. This session is being hosted by private residents, but we encourage anyone to attend to learn more if they are interested. Please visit our website at for more information, or email Jean Blackstock at [email protected].

As we discussed at the AGM, we want to gather feedback from Rosemont residents on what the Rosemont Community Association should look like in the coming months. We want to ensure that the services and events being offered by RCA are in alignment with residents’ needs and sustainable with our resource base. Please keep an eye out for coming emails and notices in the next few months as we want to hear from all Rosemont residents, regardless of if you have been here for 50 days or 50 years.

If you want to contribute a few hours per month to help strengthen your community and are interested in meeting some new neighbours, please consider joining our board. We meet once per month and always love hearing different perspective and ways that we can improve our community. You don’t need to join right away; you can just come and see what it is all about first to see if it is the right fit for you. We are only as strong as those who want to be involved, so if might be something up your alley, please email us at [email protected].

As always, keep looking after your friends, family, neighbours, and yourself.


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