Cedarbrae’s Upcoming Programs – February

Cedarbrae cn

Current Programs


Wednesdays, 9:30 am

Open to the Public

$2 drop-in fee, free for CCLA members

Attention all parents, grandparents, and other caregivers! Drop-in and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while your little ones explore and play. This is an open play session geared towards toddlers under the age of 5, caregiver supervision is required at all times.

Hobby Hangout

Thursdays, 1:00 pm

Open to the Public

Join us at Hobby Hangout to unwind, explore new interests, or share your passions. We will alternate each week between Yarn and Yammer, a fibre arts hangout, and Fun with Pieces, a jigsaw puzzle group. Starting February with Yarn and Yammer on February 6.

Community Coffee

Mondays, 10:00 am

Open to the Public

You are invited to join fellow community members of all ages for a cup of coffee and conversation. Get to know your neighbours in a relaxed and inviting setting.

Seniors’ Cards and Games

Mondays, 1:00 pm

Members Only

Get out and have some fun Monday afternoons, join other CCLA seniors for cards and games. Current games on offer include Crib, Canasta, and Bridge but you’re always welcome to bring your own!


Mat Yoga: Tuesdays, 9:30 am

Chair Yoga: Thursdays, 9:30 am

$10 drop-in

Join experienced yoga teacher, Valerie, to improve your strength, balance, flexibility, and overall physical and mental health.

Upcoming Classes

Gardening 101

Saturdays, 9:30 to 11:30 am

February 22 to April 12

$80 non-members, $70 for members

Join horticulturist Deborah VanDeventer for this hands-on beginner’s series on Calgary gardening. She will guide you through everything you need to know to get started and enjoy the rewards of gardening.

For more information or to register, please contact Paige at [email protected].

Upcoming Events

Winter Festival

February 17, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm

Join us for a free family event to celebrate a beautiful winter. Enjoy games and crafts, ice skating, music, a concession, and warming firepits. Winter equipment available to borrow.

Stay Tuned For

• Family Social and Kite Making – April 2025

• Meet the Neighbours – April 2025

• Spring Market and Craft Day – April 2025

Follow us on Facebook at “Cedarbrae Community Centre”, Instagram at “MyCedarbrae Community Centre” or visit our website mycedarbrae.ca for updates on events and programs.

Click here to the Cedarbrae Community News home page for the latest Cedarbrae community updates.