Mount Pleasant Times Social Club – February Update


Perk of aging: your supply of brain cells is finally down to a manageable size. – Anonymous

Monthly Lunches: The food committee volunteers are planning another delicious year of lunches and fun entertainment. Our ever-popular December turkey dinner, catered by Calypso’s Taverna, was as popular as ever with 84 happy participants. Mount Pleasant’s Serge Soucy was a big hit again, singing and playing Christmas carols and classic tunes. We raised a record $2,135 in donations for the Calgary Food Bank and Steve Zacher provided Safeway gift cards for a prize draw. Special thanks are owed to the many volunteers who worked so hard to make this lunch and the donation drive so successful.

Day Trips: Our group enjoyed a trip to the Airdrie Festival of Lights on December 13, including a visit by the CPKC Holiday Train. The train was a delight to see with its many lights and decorations. We were a bit late due to the QE2 traffic but got there in time to have a good look at the train. Many thanks to the local staff who provided a golf cart to ferry people to the lights and even around the different paths. And thank you to Judy G. for the gorgeous photo of skaters and the lights reflected on the pond.

Our 2025-day trips are being planned currently. We’re looking forward to a couple of Stage West shows and some out-of-town adventures. It’s never too late to submit your ideas. A summer journey to Banff? Another great play at Rosebud or Jubilations? Maybe an overnight trip to the Frank Slide Interpretive Centre and Waterton Lake? A day in Diamond Valley (formerly Black Diamond and Turner Valley). What are your ideas? We want to go where you want to go!

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