Greetings once again to all our Springbank Hill community residents. I do hope everyone is doing well. Whether you enjoy the opportunity to undertake winter activities outdoors in our wonderful suburban environment, or if you if prefer a warmer southern getaway this time of the year, we all seek our own preferred way of optimizing our lives during this winter season. Regardless of our choices we feel fortunate to live in this wonderful community.
I wanted to take this opportunity to provide a brief overview of the roles and responsibilities of our community association. As you know we are a non-profit organization, supported by the City of Calgary and managed by a group of volunteers. Our mission is to be a respected and successful volunteer organization that advocates, communicates, and provides value to all the residents within Springbank Hill. We perform our work through a number of committees and initiatives. One of our most active committees is our Planning and Development team, who review and provide feedback to the City and developers on proposed community developments, as well as addressing and traffic and infrastructure issues. Of course, we are only one of many stakeholders and while we seek to influence outcomes, we must also acknowledge the diversity of views.
Other committees work on areas such as our residential and business membership programs; marketing and communications team, handling our website and social media, newsletters, and other communication needs; our winter ice rink teams operating our two community rinks; our community garden committee operating our garden facility in our community park; special project committees dealing with initiatives such as our Montreux Community Hub project and the Ring Road Noise Attenuation requirements; and various program and events committees including our most recent large initiative to hold the Chinese New Year event. Finally, our governance committee comprised of our president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer, dealing with various governance matters including financial, risk management, regulatory, and volunteer management. We do all this work in a friendly, welcoming, and flexible way to ensure our volunteers enjoy and are fulfilled by the results of their efforts.
While we have been very successful in recruiting new board members and volunteers in the past few months there is always room for additional volunteers, and we continue to seek and welcome new team members so that we can accelerate the delivery of our vision and goals. If you are looking for a way to give back to your community, please reach out to us at [email protected] and we will be pleased to discuss opportunities further with you.
Best wishes,
Elio Cozzi
President – Springbank Hill Community Association
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