Springbank Hill’s Chinese New Year Event Recap


As it is March, we are now well into 2025 or the Year of the Snake, however we wanted to share some photos from the successful Chinese New Year event held at the end of January.

The SBHCA, along with the help of event sponsors Gloria Sun (Weiping Sun, President of TrustPro Realty) and Fang Wang, held this event at the Valleyview Community Church on January 26. It was a well-attended event celebrating the start of the Lunar New Year and the audience was able to enjoy several Chinese cultural events. The lineup included some speeches, traditional and modern musical performances as well as a children’s fashion show. There was also time to chat with neighbours and take photos in the lobby prior to the performances. 150 community members and families from community schools were in attendance, giving us a full house.

There are many who need to be thanked for their help and participation in this event. Huge thanks to our board members, especially event director David Lu for organizing this event. Thanks to all performers, notably the Eaglestar Recreations & Performing Arts Association of Alberta led by Madam Zhang and the Parents and Children Connections Society led by Catherine Zhao. Thanks to Reverend Gunnick and Valleyview Church for the use of their facilities. The two hosts for the night, Yao Min and Joey Zhang did a great job throughout the evening. Thanks finally to all volunteers, including those from the Volunteer Churchill Steering Committee and Ernest Manning High School, and to support provided from Philip Ibiam and family, Joyi Baking, and Hua Lu Education. Without everyone’s hard work and dedication we would not have had such a successful event. It was wonderful to see so many community members out, until next time! Keep posted on our website and social media for future events and programming – we hope to see you out there!

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