I would just like to highlight what has been happening/going on behind the scenes this past month, in no particular order:
Thank you, Steve and Ryan and all our rink crew! We have appreciated your efforts to keep our rink up and running. Please check our Rutland Park Community Association Facebook page for a detailed schedule, as well as rink closures.
Hall Update: We are extremely disappointed to have wasted two years trying to get a proper insurance settlement for our Main Hall floor failure. We are at the point of asking for an additional $30,000 to cover a bit more lost business income and will need to move on. We cannot move forward with any repairs until this claim is settled. Hopefully we will have started on our engineering by the time you receive our next update.
Sarina Homes will have had another information session on Richmond Green by the time you are reading this. We are not currently aware of what changes they are proposing. Our concerns with regards to the project have been focused on a six-storey development across the entire east side of the site and 400+ units on the site when the City indicated it would allow for approximately 284 units.
Currie Barracks is seeking amendments to the CFB West Master Plan. We have indicated that building heights, building setbacks, and providing sufficient parking will continue to be concerns for us. We are also looking for a vibrant commercial area that includes a grocery store and unique retail spaces.
Thank you, Ashley S., for the suggestion to sign the RPCA up for a Skip the Depot account! Funds collected through this program will be used to improve our rink and support events there. If you have bottles you would like to donate through this program, here is our link: https://app.skipthedepot.com/rutlandparkca.
With the city-wide blanket rezoning to R-CG, developers are actively seeking lots in Rutland Park for densification. The RPCA does not support densification on our low density lots beyond the one or two homes set out in the Restrictive Covenants that form part of our Development Guidelines. The RCs override the R-CG land use but must be defended in court.
Currently, developers are challenging these Restrictive Covenants on three properties in our community. Ignoring any of these proposals puts all the Restrictive Covenants at risk and would result in R-CG rules of eight plus units per lot if our RCs become unenforceable.
Even though we support the RCs in our community, the RPCA is not a landowner and has no legal standing with regards to these Restrictive Covenants. Accordingly, we will not provide funding for any legal challenges.
Some landowners have already formed a Restrictive Covenant Committee. Interested landowners can reach out to [email protected] for more information.
If you have not already signed up for our email updates, please do so at our website, www.rutlandparkcommunity.com. The City often gives us very short notice for upcoming events, and this is the quickest way for us to reach you. Please also join us on Facebook by searching Rutland Park Community Association. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Leanne Ellis
Executive VP and Development and Traffic
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