PBPCA’s President’s Message for March

PBP cn

Dear Neighbours

By the time that you read this, my term as President of our community association will have ended and we will have a capable new President who will have my support and that of the entire board. The choice will have been made by majority vote at the Annual General Meeting on March 4.

It has been an honour and a pleasure to serve my community during this interesting and challenging time and I will continue to help where I can.

We thank Jim Sorenson for his service as Treasurer and look forward to finding and working with our new Treasurer. The Treasurer’s job is made more manageable by having our bookkeeper Ramona do the monthly financial statements for presentation at board meetings.

There is always lots to do in running a community association. We are always looking for neighbours who are able to join our friendly board and help out. We now meet in the board room of the Palliser Bayview Pumphill community centre at 7:00 pm on the first Wednesday of each month (except July and August). If you are someone who can help, you will be much appreciated. Please just write to our secretary Lesley at [email protected] to let her know of your interest and when you can come to a board meeting.

We are fortunate to live in a great community that is worth protecting. I encourage all of you who are able to make this the year that you step up and contribute what you can to help protect and advance the interests of our community.

Harris Hanson

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