Dear Brentwoodians,
I am always happy to receive emails from Bugle readers, but I recently had an alarming note from a neighbourhood dog owner, whose puppy fell ill and required a visit to the veterinarian after eating a suspected cannabis edible while out for a walk. As pet owners know, it can be difficult to keep our furry friends from gobbling tempting bits and pieces they come across—and young kids can have curious fingers as well.
With this in mind, we should all take care not to leave litter in our neighbourhood, whether inadvertently or otherwise. Keeping our streets and laneways clean shows respect for the place we live in and encourages others to do so by example. It also helps keep potentially harmful items away from animals and children. So, whether it’s a chocolate bar wrapper, a disposable vape pen, or a little green baggie of dog poop, please just hold on to it until you can dispose of it properly!
Finally, a continuing reminder about the upcoming charity casino at the Elbow River Casino May 3 to 4 (see poster in this issue). Please sign up and support the BCA!
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