Having emerged from the deep-freeze we experienced in the first few weeks of February I hope you are all looking forward to spring. The Old Farmers’ Almanac (not to be confused with “The Farmers’ Almanac” – who knew there was a difference?) predicts warmer than normal temperatures for our part of the country but also greater than normal precipitation. We all know that spring in Calgary invariably includes at least one major snowstorm that temporarily shuts down most of the city and provides school children with a day off to frolic in the snow. Our skating rink will likely have melted by then (thank you to our wonderful volunteers for giving us the rink for a few months) but the hill in Murdoch Park will see tobogganers until the final vestiges of snow melt away.
Spring brings the start of our annual programs such as soccer and the Rooftop Garden and details on sign up can be found in this issue of the newsletter. This issue also includes a poster entitled “Social Disorder – Who to Contact” provided to us by the City and containing information on agencies and departments who can provide assistance to community members who have encountered various social issues.
Here’s a bit of history for you. Did you know that the BRCA is celebrating a milestone birthday this year? The BRCA is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, community associations in Calgary. We are planning to celebrate with a birthday party so stay tuned for details.
You have hopefully noted a number of new businesses have opened in the neighbourhood in the past few months. As always, the BRCA encourages everyone to “shop local” and support our wonderful merchants. The Bridgeland Business Improvement Area has been very active in promoting our shopping district and ran an excellent social media promotion over the past few months. The BRCA works closely with the BIA, and we have been fortunate to receive financial contributions from the BIA in the past few years. We are very thankful for this support and truly value our relationship with the BIA and its members. I encourage you to visit the BIA’s website at bridgelandcalgary.com to learn more about its members and programs.
Alex MacWilliam
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