by Kimberley Nelson, BRCA Transportation Committee
Did you know the best tool to reach the city with a concern is likely in your pocket? If you have a smartphone, the 311 Calgary App is the quickest way to report a concern and follow the progress. With pothole season fast approaching, taking a quick picture on your phone allows you to provide detailed reporting with a few clicks as long as your location services are active on your device. There are on-screen instructions as well as useful tips along the way in reporting issues from sidewalk obstructions, snow clearing issues, potholes, graffiti, burnt out streetlights and more! You may also use a desktop computer to log a ticket or call 3-1-1 directly.
Depending on the issue you are reporting, you may be directed to review the Good Neighbour Policy. This is to encourage better relationships within the community and to avoid city intervention when a pleasant conversation could resolve any issues. Bylaws are created to protect public health and safety, the environment, and public and private property. While informal communication with neighbours is a simple way of addressing neighbourhood concerns, in situations where this is not a viable option, Calgarians can call 3-1-1 to make an inquiry or to file a complaint for investigation.
Tips and Behind the Scenes
• The address will auto-populate if your phone has location services active for your camera. This is extremely useful for park areas with no fixed address, as it will include GPS coordinates.
• Do not include any personal information in the ticket as it will be publicly available.
• You will be assigned a 311 Ticket Number no matter the method of contact.
• The ticket remains open until it has been “actioned”. This may not mean that your issue is resolved but can also occur when it has been assigned to a team. If your ticket has been closed, there should be a note if the ticket has been assigned to a City department.
• A 311 service agent or a member from the department team assigned to the issue may contact you for more detail or information if the location isn’t clear.
• You can review recent 311 tickets logged by other members of the public.
• Construction sites can apply for exemptions to the noise bylaw during time sensitive work such as concrete pours. Generally, the noise bylaw is in effect from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm.
• There is a relaxation for property owners and managers for snow clearing noise within 48 hours of snowfall.
• There is a map for streetlight outages that allows you to mark streetlights live on an interactive map and helps the city determine if the outage is singular or part of a grid issue. is a great tool, but 311 can also be used to follow up on dark /dangerous areas of safety concern.
• A 311 ticket can be logged to give positive feedback on something you see in your city that you want to celebrate. From the friendly bus driver to the waste collection person that went the extra mile, nothing brightens someone’s day more than getting a happy message.
Next time you are out walking the neighbourhood and see something that looks like it needs attention, give the 311 reporting app a try. Often, we see something and think “someone should fix that” but don’t know that often that “someone” is not aware it is an issue. Help keep our community clean and friendly for everyone.
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