Canyon Meadows’ Membership Sign Up


Your Canyon Meadows Community Association membership helps support our vibrant community and provides funds that enrich community life for all residents of Canyon Meadows.


• Take part in programs at the hall, such as our Kids Summer Drop-In, Tot Time (hopefully returning soon), or Girl Guides (Membership funds help subsidize rent for this group).

• Support community initiatives such as our free skate lending library.

• Get access to ice rinks and rink room (Membership funds help support maintenance of the rinks).

• Join our free monthly events, such as Seniors’ Coffee.

• Entry to membership exclusive draws and contests. Subscribe to the eScoop, our monthly community email.

• Get a voice on local issues and the right to vote at our AGM.


• On hall rentals, CMCA events, and services such as skate sharpening.

• At Cloverdale Paint: 25% off paint and 15% off paint accessories. Contact Bonnie in the office for details.

Three Ways to Purchase or Renew a CMCA Membership

1. Scan the QR code to purchase a membership online. Easy, fast, and convenient; please choose auto renew to keep our budget consistent.

2. Stop in the office any Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm to pay by cash, debit, or cheque.

3. Drop a cheque with a note including your contact information in the secure drop box on the west wall of the main hall.

Membership Fees

• Seniors (60+): $20 + GST

• Individual: $25 + GST

• Family: $35 + GST

• Business: $50 + GST

Click here to the Canyon Meadows Community News home page for the latest Canyon Meadows community updates.