Weekend Winter Fun Day
On February 22, the Deer Ridge CA held a Winter Skate and Fun Day featuring shinny hockey and leisure skating, hot dogs, hot chocolate, a nice warm fire, snow painting, kiddie treat grab-bags, and a chance to get together with other community members to have some family fun right here in our own community. A great big thank you goes out to our rink and event volunteers for organizing and staffing a fun event for everyone, and thanks also to everyone who came out to join us – we couldn’t have this much fun without you!
Deer Ridge CA Board Meeting
The meeting is on Tuesday, March 18 at 7:00 pm in the boardroom of the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, located at 3811 Deer Ridge Dr SE. Please contact us if you are interested in attending the meeting, volunteering on the Board, or if you have anything you would like the board to discuss at the meeting.
The Deer Ridge Community Association’s annual membership drive continues. If you have not yet purchased your community membership, we invite you to become a member today to add your support, ideas, and voice to the direction of this community.
Your membership contributes directly to your community through your participation in the decisions shaping your community. Community residents with Association memberships are encouraged to vote at Membership Meetings and Annual General Meetings.
Memberships are still only $15 per household. All memberships expire annually on August 31. Purchase your membership:
• Online from our website: deerridgeca.com/Membership/
• By downloading the membership form and returning it by mail with payment
• By completing the membership form in this newsletter and returning it by mail with payment
If you are already a member, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your participation and commitment to your community!
Click here to the Deer Ridge Community News home page for the latest Deer Ridge community updates.