Deer Run’s March Message from the Board

DeerRun cn

As President of the Deer Run Community Association, it was my unfortunate responsibility to inform the community that we had to cancel this year’s Skate Party scheduled for February 8, 2025.

We had our rotten light poles replaced in the fall right after we had that large dump of snow. When they made room to install, we didn’t realize that mounds of snow were left on the rink surface. When we finally had some colder weather and time recently, we realized our equipment wasn’t powerful enough to remove the mounds of ice. That small window of cold weather was short lived and warm temperatures returned. After looking into the logistics of bringing some outside equipment in to remove the mounds and the short time left before the skate party with limited rink volunteers, we decided to cancel.

This year has been tough, both with weather and volunteers. Even though we have advertised for help, not many people have come forward. Besides board members and past rink volunteer Arie Van Eck, we had Dan Kantyluk, Drew Novak, and Andrew M. come forward to offer to help.

It takes a lot to put on events for the community and we have lots of volunteers that do a great job, but unfortunately your board does the lion’s share. This was easier when there were 17 members on the board, but we are down to nine board members now with most of us working full-time and taking care of young families.

More events run the risk of being cancelled if we don’t get more volunteers and/or more board members in the future.

Board Positions Currently Available:

• Vice President

• Memberships Director

• Social Director or Co-Social Director

• Sports Director

• Liaison between Queensland, Parkland, Deer Ridge, and Deer Run

• Directors at Large – help on committees and help shape the community’s future

Rink volunteers for the 2025-2026 season, email [email protected].

We also have a Rink Committee formed to improve our rinks by planning for the return of a boarded rink and a new pleasure skate area with a possible gas firepit. You do not have to be a board member to help on a committee.

We have other committees that are working on continued improvements and upgrades to the community centre; like our newly renovated out of school room and day care room.

An upcoming event is our Annual Fun Money Casino and Silent Auction on March 15, 2025. This is returning for the first time since COVID. We could use some volunteers, and donations for our silent auction and door prizes. The theme this year is ‘old west’. Information will be posted shortly; make sure to buy your tickets, they went on sale February 17, 2025.

Don’t get me wrong, our board is in good shape, but many hands make light work, and we hope you choose to become part of the momentum.

Once again, we are sorry for the cancellation.

Kim Semeniuk


Deer Run Community Association

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