One of the key tools to help Calgary Police Service monitor and track issues is the Traffic Service Request (TSR).
If you have a traffic safety concern:
• Go to, Compliments and Concerns: Report a Traffic Concern.
• Scroll down and click ‘Report a Traffic Concern’.
• Then click ‘Click here to submit a traffic service request’. Please ensure you choose the Traffic Service Request Green Light.
• Confirm that this is not parking related, then choose ‘Start Report’. Complete the entire report.
Please complete as detailed and accurately as possible to assist officers in enforcement.
Please Include directions, times, and any additional information you feel may assist in resolving the issue.
A Traffic Service Request deals with persistent traffic violation(s) that are noted by the public in a specific area and that can be expected to re-occur when a responding officer attends to the complaint.
“One Off” complaints where a specific violator or license number can be identified should be referred to 403-266-1234 for appropriate dispatched response.
If contact information is not provided, and pertinent details are missing, there is no guarantee that action will be taken to address the concerns outlined. A member of the Traffic Section will contact you about your request, to obtain any additional information required and a pre-post contact call from the assigned officer will inform you of the action taken and results.
Calgary Police Service cannot provide much direct assistance with issues pertaining to infrastructure. This is a City Roads and Councillor’s office issue. Please call 3-1-1 to request calming measures, speed signage, or lane and signal changes.
Additional support for these infrastructure requests can also be obtained through the Community Association and their relationship with the City of Calgary’s Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinator.
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