Edgemont’s President’s Message for March

Edgemont cn

In this message, I’m going to start off with the nasty stuff! I have received complaints about pet owners not cleaning up after their animals. This became very evident during the warm spells when the snow melted to reveal that nastiness. The green space that runs parallel to Edgevalley Way going all the way to Shaganappi Trail has been pointed out as a particular problem area. ECA has no authority over these spaces but is certainly willing to advocate on behalf of the residents. You can call 3-1-1 to report the problem. A picture is helpful. We know that the more complaints 3-1-1 gets about a particular problem, the more likely the City is to respond. We also engaged with Sean Chu, our City Councillor, to help us. One solution we’ve proposed is additional garbage cans along these walkways.

And the next problem… the signage that is placed along the medians and boulevards in Edgemont. If you are a business that puts up these signs, please go to the City website to review the restrictions. The signs are meant to be temporary, not semi-permanent billboards. I challenge the businesses that advertise using this method to ask new customers how they found out about the business. I suspect most new customers won’t identify these signs as the prompt to seek service. There are better ways to reach residents without cluttering up the neighbourhood!

And finally, I’ve had complaints for some time now about the damaged signage at the corner of Country Hills Boulevard and Edgepark Drive. We have been trying to get the City to work out a strategy to address this eyesore. At our last Board meeting, our City rep, Eric, advised that some progress has been made. We’ll let you know as soon as we have something concrete to share.

Now, on to more “fun” things. Please mark your calendars for the Mother’s Day Tea in May. The tea is on Saturday, May 10. Shortly there will be a link on the website so you can purchase tickets. Registration is limited to 50.

The ECA AGM is scheduled for Thursday, May 15. A more formal notice will be circulated as well as the tentative agenda. Financials will also be available prior to the meeting so members have the opportunity to review them. Memberships will be sold at the door and any member who has paid the membership fee prior to the meeting being called to order will have the right to vote and participate in the meeting. In addition, we will be holding elections. If you are interested in service on the Board, contact Rick ([email protected]). We can elect not more than 15 Directors. It is the elected Directors who then elect the Officers from that slate.

Julia Hayter has been a great supporter of the ECA and takes the time to contact us regularly. The campaign to address period poverty was initiated by Julia. If you want to contribute either feminine hygiene items or cash, stop by the ECA office. It’s hard to imagine having to make a choice between necessities such as food or utility bill payments and personal hygiene items, but we know that people in our community are making those choices every day. We want to build confidence and remove barriers to full participation in day-to-day activities.

Looking forward to the end of June and our Stampede Breakfast, I am making a call for volunteers to help with this event. In particular, we need at least two cooks! The cooks will have others to help them with their duties, but two are required to take the lead. Sounds interesting? Reach out to Tina at [email protected] and she will put you on the list. Note that to participate in the Stampede Breakfast, guests are required to register. A link will be provided on our website. We plan the menu quantities on that registration list and offer no guarantee to residents who simply show up that day that we can accommodate them. Registrants will be given first priority.

Pamela Wilson


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