Sarcee Trail/Bow Trail Functional Planning Study in WSCR

WestSprings cn

Project Overview

The Sarcee Bow FPS aims to develop a functional plan that improves connectivity, enhances safety, and supports long-term growth in the area. The project seeks to validate recommendations from the 2012 Council-approved West Springs Area Structure Plan. Key objectives include improving traffic flow at the intersection and corridors in the surrounding area, with considerations for the possible expansion of both the Sarcee Trail and Bow Trail corridors.

Engagement Highlights

To ensure the recommended plan meets the needs and priorities of the community, we have engaged closely with interest-holders throughout the process.

Phase 1 (April 2024): Identified high-level themes such as the desire to improve pedestrian and wheeling accessibility and connectivity, the importance of environmental and green space conservation and the need to improve traffic flow and intersection safety within the study area.

Phase 2 (November 2024): We presented two interchange options and gathered the communities’ feedback on the proposed plans. The high-level feedback we heard included support for an interchange to improve traffic flow and safety, mixed feedback regarding the proposed direct access to Edworthy Park from Bow Trail SW, desire for improved pedestrian and wheeling connectivity and the importance of green space conservation.

The Phase 2 What We Heard Report has been posted to the project webpage.

Next Steps

Based on feedback regarding Edworthy Park access, the Sarcee/Bow Trail team plans to host focused engagement sessions with the Wildwood community in the coming months, to explore preferences on park access further. The public will be notified once these sessions are scheduled.

Phase 3 engagement is set to begin in spring 2025. During this phase the Sarcee/Bow Trail team will present the final recommended plan and collect input for any refinements.

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