Hillhurst Sunnyside’s Real Talk with Sagesse Event This March

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Thursday, March 27, 4:00 to 5:30pm in the HSCA North Social Hall

Did you know that one in three Albertans experience domestic abuse in their lifetime? Real Talk is a guide to help us understand and talk openly about domestic abuse in Alberta. Chances are you are close to or know someone impacted by domestic abuse. Break the cycle of domestic abuse with just a few words.

Sagesse will be leading a workshop to learn how to recognize domestic abuse, understand its impact, and develop comfort in responding to domestic abuse disclosures, including providing appropriate support and referrals.

If interested, please join us Thursday, March 27, from 3:30 to 5:30pm in the North Social Hall. Please email [email protected] to register.

Free. Everyone welcome. Please be advised that this workshop will be discussing a topic that may be sensitive for some.

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