May – MLA Mike Ellis’ Report


On March 18th, the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta (PC Alberta) elected the Hon. Jaosn Kenney as its new permanent leader. As you may know, Jason ran on a platform of unification of conservatives across the province. As a PC MLA, I was proud to support Jason throughout his campaign, and am excited for what lies ahead for conservatives across Alberta in general. I hope you’ll allow me, in this column, to speak more about the recent leadership election.

For me, politics has never been about titles, or about names of parties. It is about ensuring Albertans have representation that is a reflection of the very best of themselves. Some have expressed sadness that this may be the beginning of the end of the party known by the name PC Alberta, but to me, this is simply its continued evolution to be in sync with what the views of Albertans today are.

Albertans have demonstrated their belief in a unification of conservatives for some time. Polling indicates strong support, and donations of time and money to the efforts of unification have been also strong. Albertans expect, I believe, that we as politicians put our team names and titles aside to work together for their best interest.

Indeed, now is the time for strong leadership. Alberta’s economy remains fragile, and the recent NDP budget will do little to help. Gross overspending on pet projects like updating light bulbs, and a lack of focus on continued structural deficits is cause for concern. I am working hard, as your MLA, not only in the legislature to hold the government to account, but also outside of the legislature to make sure that in the next election, you have an alternative to this government that you can believe in.

If you have ever considered becoming involved in the political process, I would encourage you to pick this moment to do so. Now is a very exciting time, filled with fresh ideas and the opportunity to bring your voice to the table. I would appreciate your insight as we move forward to create a plan for an Alberta that is truly the best reflection of ourselves.

Mike Ellis, MLA
