Coral Springs Real Estate
Profiled above are the last twelve month real estate statistics for the Coral Spring community in Calgary; including number of properties listed, number of properties sold, median asking prices, and median sold prices. To view current
Coral Spring Real Estate listings for sale, click here.
The Coral Springs Community Association (CSCA) is a non-profit organization, comprised of volunteers, who dedicate a lot of their time and effort to keep Coral Springs the “Jewel of the Northeast”. The yearly $20 CSCA membership helps support CSCA events like the annual Fall Festival, Paint the Fence Project, the community newsletter, and this website. We work with the Calgary Police Service to help keep our community as safe as possible and also with Municipal and Provincial governments to ensure projects have a positive impact on our community. Note: The CSCA is a separate organization from the Coral Springs Residents Association (CSRA). The CSRA collects the yearly lake fees for the maintenance of the lake and all amenities within the lake area. For more information please visit the CSRA website.
Coral Springs Community Map