Fire Pit Regulations, Off-Leash Ambassadors, and the 2018 Census


Fire pit regulations help create good neighbour relationships

Did you know that the Community Standards Bylaw lays out the requirements for using backyard wood-burning fire pits?

Regulations for fire pits include:

  • Using a mesh screen or spark guard to reduce the spread of embers and sparks;
  • Extinguishing the flame by midnight on weekdays and 1 AM. on weekends;
  • Restricting the height of the flame to one metre;
  • Building a fire pit within maximum size limits;
  • Listing materials that cannot be burned;
  • Ensuring the fire pit is at least two metres from other structures and is not under a tree or overhanging branches; and
  • Ensuring you have a means of extinguishing the fire on hand and that you put it out before you leave it unattended.

For more information, visit If you have a concern or complaint about fire pits, please call 311.

City recruiting off-leash ambassadors to promote responsible use of off-leash areas

With the arrival of Spring, Calgary’s dog owners will be out enjoying our many off-leash areas more frequently and for longer periods of time. To help promote responsible pet ownership in off-leash parks, The City is once again recruiting volunteers for its Off-Leash Ambassador Program.

Off-Leash Ambassador volunteers receive training which helps them become familiar with City bylaws, canine body language, and tactics to communicate with the public. If you or someone you know are passionate about the responsible use of our off-leash areas, this may be a great volunteer opportunity to make an impact!

For more information, visit To ask about volunteering, please contact Jennifer Lawlor at 403-268-1814.

Census 2018

It’s census time, and we urge you to participate and complete your census online! Watch the mail for your access code and visit from April 1 to 19. The census data collected every year is used to ensure adequate programs and services are available to meet the needs of all Calgarians, not just Ward 13. If you are unable to complete your census online, door-to-door census and voter registration collection will begin April 20, 2018.

Please take the time and let The City know what our needs truly are.