Open House Recap and Visiting Calgary Schools

Calgary Mackay Nose Hill

I hope everyone had a peaceful and Happy Easter.

In February, I hosted an Open House; lots of constituents dropped in and we collected dozens of donations of menstrual products for the Women’s Centre. I host an open house every year and am always happy to see neighbours I’ve known for some time and new faces. The cookies by CakePunk were delicious again this year!

The Calgary Islamic School hosted an evening dedicated to Supporting Student Success in early February. They discussed the stigma around obstacles to learning, how the community can help and what resources are available. This is an important topic in all communities that needs ongoing attention and funding. My family has been faced with trying to navigate special education and there is room to improve the ease of access to services our kids need.

One of the most enjoyable things I do as an MLA is visit elementary schools to meet teachers and students and talk about my role. I find the kids ask some of the toughest questions and their optimism is contagious. I’m looking forward to seeing some of the classes in Edmonton when they visit the Legislature later this month. If you or your child’s class want to visit us in Edmonton, please contact the office and we will help you with your plans.

I will be hosting a Budget Town Hall on Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 7pm to discuss the provincial budget. Please register on Eventbrite ( or contact the office to register.

I’m always happy to hear from you so please feel free to get in touch. The office is open from 9am until 4:30pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday (closed for lunch from 12:00pm-1:00pm). We are open until 7 p.m. on Thursdays for those who aren’t able to drop in during the day and you can always email us at [email protected], call us at 403-215-7710, or drop by the office at #106, 8220 Centre Street NE, beside First Calgary Credit Union.