Next Election Focus Will Be Economy

Calgary West

It is hard to believe, but the next provincial election is less than 1 year away. It has truly been a pleasure to serve as your representative in Edmonton and to meet many of you around our communities.

The next election will be, I believe, about Alberta’s economy. There is no doubt that these past several years have been difficult on Alberta. Part of that is the low price of oil, certainly. However, I think you’ll agree that many of the decisions made by the current governments both in Edmonton and in Ottawa have made matters worse.

Whomever forms the next provincial government in Alberta must return The Alberta Advantage. It must show that Alberta is the destination of choice for business investment with low taxes, a fair and predictable regulatory system, and a workforce with a can-do spirit. This requires the government’s leadership in ensuring that the federal government is also doing its part to make Alberta and Canada’s borders open to trade and investment.

Our UCP team has the right people to move Alberta forward. All across Alberta, we continue to put in place candidates with expertise across business, education, healthcare, oil and gas, and many other fields. A diverse UCP candidate team means that we will have a diverse future caucus which will allow for a robust and broad discussion on the issues to take place as they happen. I am sincerely hopeful that Alberta’s next government will share the beliefs you and I hold, and I am sincerely hopeful to be part of it.

Mike Ellis, MLA
