Vote of the Electors 2018 (Olympic Plebiscite)


Vote of the Electors 2018 (Olympic Plebiscite)

Thank you to all the residents of Ward 1 who have contacted my office to provide me with their feedback on the Olympic Bid proposal. Your opinion is important to me and I am carefully keeping track of your response. I also strongly encourage everyone to come out and vote on Plebiscite Day, Tuesday, November 13, 2018.

Council approved a Vote of the Electors in respect to Calgary hosting the 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. I can only speak for myself when I say I will honour the plebiscite results.

The question on the ballot will be:

Are you for or are you against Calgary hosting the 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games?

__ I am for Calgary hosting

__ I am against Calgary hosting

Mail-in ballot request

You may request a Mail-in Ballot if you are unable to vote during the Advance Vote or on Vote Day because:

  • of physical incapacity; or
  • you are absent from the city; or
  • you are working Vote Day as a vote worker or volunteering/working on a campaign.

Mail-in ballot request will open October 1, 2018.

Mail-in Ballots must be received by the Elections & Census Office no later than 4 p.m. on Vote Day (November 13, 2018).

Advance Vote is November 6 – 7, 2018

Vote Day is November 13, 2018
For more frequently asked questions, visit

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