Nitanisak District Girl Guides – November

Categories Girl Guides

Our “Nitanisak District” covers the communities of: Edgemont, Evanston, Hamptons, Hidden Valley, Hanson Ranch, Kincora, Nolan Hill, Sherwood and Sage Hill. We have units for all age groups – Sparks (ages 5-6), Brownies (ages 7-8), Guides (ages 9-12), Pathfinders (ages 12-15) and Rangers (ages 15-17). You can register online through

Here’s some of the highlights of what we were up to in September and October.

4th Guides

The 4th Calgary Guides are off to a great start to the year! We’ve already been camping with 14 of our girls, and although it was cold and snowy, the Guides did an awesome job and learned a lot! In the next few weeks we will be hosting a Halloween party for the Brownies and Sparks, attending a STEM day as well as volunteering at Ronald McDonald House. We have an amazing year planned with many service projects, learning experiences and fun filled activities! Thanks to our local communities for supporting us through your purchases of the Chocolatey Mint Cookies!

4th Brownies

The 4th Brownies have had a great start to the year! We had a successful Mint Cookie campaign and celebrated with our camp of the year October. We really enjoyed our Halloween Party with the younger Sparks and the older Guides. November is also chocked full of fun activities; the girls can hardly wait. We are making great memories and focusing our efforts on learning about our community! We can’t wait for the new year to continue our adventures!

A big thank you to everyone who bought cookies from Girl Guides this fall. The Chocolatey Mint cookie campaign was a great success. We will see you again in March/April with the Classic Girl Guide cookies (vanilla/chocolate).