City of Calgary Business Plans, Streets Bylaws, and New Year’s with Calgary Public Library


Every four years, The City of Calgary creates business plans and budgets to deliver on what’s important to Calgarians. The 2019-2022 service plans and budgets have been developed and approved by Council based on what The City heard from Calgarians throughout their consultation process. For more information on what services The City is providing, how much those services cost and how The City is spending your tax dollars, please view the 2019-2022 service plans and budgets at

City Council approved amendments to the Streets Bylaw to incorporate a fine schedule and an escalating fine structure for property owners who do not clear their sidewalks within 24 hours of snowfall ending. When a sidewalk or pathway adjacent to a privately-owned property is not cleared a complaint can be issued through 311 to Community Standards. The fine for not removing snow/ice from a sidewalk/pathway is $250, with an escalating scale for subsequent convictions to the same property owner/occupant over a 12-month period. This fine is in addition to removal charges which are a minimum of $150.

The City of Calgary and the Calgary Public Library will host free, family friendly New Year’s Eve fun at the new Central Library, Olympic Plaza and the Municipal Atrium at City Hall. There will be something for everyone including activities such as skating, story time, children’s dance party, performances and much more! An early indoor countdown for the kids begins at 9 p.m. at the new Central Library. Annual fireworks display will be held at midnight. More information is available at

I would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and all the best in the New Year.