December at Bowness High School

Categories Schools

Submitted by Bowness High School Students

Upcoming events at Bowness High School

Please go to the school website: for more details and information. We hope to see you at these events!

Dance Show: December 4 and 5 (Tuesday-Wednesday) 7:00PM-8:30PM

Music Concert: December 11 (Tuesday) 7:00PM-8:30PM

Winter Break: December 24-January 4. We wish all our students and staff a wonderful winter break! Classes Resume January 7 (Monday).

Stress? Here’s how to deal with it

The school year is at full speed and many students are finding themselves overwhelmed. So, we decided to suggest tips on how to keep stress under control.

Take Breaks

Science has proven that taking breaks every 50-90 minutes for 10-15 minutes can improve thinking. This is because when you take a break, you’re letting part of your brain rest while you use another part. Then, when you return to your initial activity, your brain has renewed its energy.

Exercise and Eat Healthy

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is vital for everyone. Getting some air can be quite relaxing while exercising relieves tension.

Stay Organized

In order to prevent stress, staying organized and being on top of your homework will keep the work from piling up. Try using agendas, day planners, calendars and/or your phone. Keeping your notes organized will also help.

Focus on One Thing At A Time

Organize your to-do list by urgency and check one thing off at a time.

Spend Time with Friends

Stress can worsen with isolation. Thus, it’s important that you interact with friends and/or family. It’s a good idea to vent to them about your stress levels. It helps to have a listening ear.

Different people will have different needs. It’s necessary that you find what works for you as an individual. If you find that the stress is too overwhelming and is greatly hindering you, talk to your doctor, call the Kid’s Help Line 1-800-668-6868 or call the Distress/Crisis Line 403-266-4357.