Balancing the Budget, Alberta’s Fiscal Situation, and the Importance of Sustainability

Calgary Bow

Dear Neighbours,

During the election, we made a very clear commitment to balance the budget by 2022-23. The MacKinnon Panel on Alberta’s finances made it clear that we have a spending problem and that quick action is needed to prevent the situation from getting worse.

Left unchecked, Alberta’s fiscal situation will worsen, and spiralling debt could put the long-term sustainability of important social programs in jeopardy. We cannot kick the can down the road any more, nor can we continue to spend money that we do not have.

That is why, on October 24, we tabled our first budget and a comprehensive path to balance.

Over the next few years, we will all have some difficult decisions to make to get our finances in order, but I know, that together we can bring balance back to our finances and stability back to our province.

Getting our finances in order is important for two primary reasons:

First and foremost, it will help ensure the sustainability of our needed social programs and public services. If we don’t get a handle on our spending now, future government will have to make deeper cuts that could adversely affect front-line services. We must take action now to modernize the delivery of services in a more cost-efficient manner.

The second reason that it is so important that we get our finances in order now, is because our economy depends on it. Out of control spending has damaged investor confidence and weakened our economy. Our clear path to balance will ensure we send a strong message of stability to global investors that is needed to get our economy moving again.

Fiscal responsibility is needed now and together we can bring balance back to our finances, restart our economy and create a better province for all.