PBP’s December President’s Message

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We Need a Few More Casino Volunteers

A major component of funding the PBP Community Association activities and facilities is the money earned at Casinos. Our next Casino is coming up on Saturday the 11th and Sunday the 12th of January, 2020. Please help if you are able by signing up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0945A8A928ABF49-pbpcasino

Holiday Market and Cookies with Santa

With winter here and December nearly here (when this arrives), our extremely popular Holiday Market and Cookies with Santa is just around the corner at the Community Hall. Mark your calendars and join us for some holiday fun on Saturday, December 7.

Watch out for further special events in 2020 and our regular programming at the Hall. Please check our Facebook page for updates (https://www.facebook.com/pg/PBPcommunityassociation/posts/).

Traffic Safety in PBP

In October, the Residential Traffic Safety unit presented to our Board on how it can help our community. Public engagement is encouraged regarding traffic related public concerns. Ward 11 will be a focus of the RTSU in the next few months. If you have a traffic concern, please contact the RTSU through http://www.calgarypolice.ca and click on “report a traffic concern.”

Oakridge Seniors Initiative

In November, we had a presentation from the Oakridge Seniors Initiative, an active group based in Oakridge connecting local seniors and focusing on very worthy activities such as building community and providing supports for aging in place. They accept members from other communities which is great considering we are “next door” neighbors. If you would like more information, please check out the Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/201487493845500/


Jay Nelson