Budget Changes, Health and Education Funding, and Red Tape Reduction Strategies

Calgary Edgemont

Our Government has presented Budget 2019 and we are following through on our promises to Albertans. This budget implements many of our platform commitments and was developed in consultation with Albertans. More importantly, our plan balances the budget by 2023.

Our current debt burden of $63 Billion costs us $5 Million a day in interest to big banks and threatens to mortgage our children’s future. Putting that into perspective, this is $1.8 billion a year, money that could instead be put towards new schools, hospitals, and front-line workers.

Budget 2019 lays the foundation for sustainable economic growth that brings good jobs for Albertans and creates the right conditions for long-term economic prosperity.

We are keeping our platform commitment to hold the line on spending when it comes to health and education. Funding will be maintained for the Calgary Cancer Centre which is still on target to open in 2023. I recently announced funding for three new schools in Calgary, including the much-needed Calgary North High School in Coventry Hills, demonstrating our government’s commitment to invest in Alberta.

We will continue our efforts to recover the economy by lowering taxes, reducing red tape, and investing in critical infrastructure projects that will build prosperity for all Albertans.

With one of the most competitive tax regimes in North America, Alberta will once again become the destination of choice for investors

Overall our modest budget is a step in the right direction to restore fiscal balance and deliver sustainable social programs.

I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and joyous holiday season!


Prasad Panda