A Farewell from the Haysboro President


Dear Neighbours,

This is my last submission to the Horn writing as President. By the time you’re reading this, I will have transitioned to Past-President, a role in which I will support the board with my historical knowledge and to see a few projects through to fruition, while generally letting others set a new direction and road-map. The board is collectively a group of dedicated people exploring the future of how we engage in the community. The board is also open for new faces and ideas for building connection amongst neighbours and for supporting the operation of our facility.

It has been an absolute pleasure to be able to serve as President for the past three years, and as a board member for the three years prior to that. I have met wonderful people, forged friendships, and have witnessed the power of community through events, happenstance gatherings, and a spirit of neighbourliness.

A few highlights of my favourite moments from the past six years:

  • Longest Day of Play
  • Opening the Natural Playground
  • Scoring a new bike for $20 at the community garage sale (then riding it in the bike parade)
  • Playing ‘Name that Tune’ at Pub Night
  • Annual events like the Easter Egg Hunt and Community Scavenger Hunt
  • Growing our membership base to 600 members
  • Participating in planning exercises to re-envision our community

This journey has been supported by friends, family, and neighbours who I cannot thank enough for their hearts and hugs. It has been a learning opportunity and I’m a better person for the highs and lows that have been part of the many adventures this role has brought. Haysboro will remain near and dear to my heart. My children continue to live in the community part-time with their dad, attend school there, and create their own sense of place and ownership. My mom and stepdad are also long-time community residents and have been equally supportive of building community through their volunteerism. Haysboro will always feel like home, even if it’s not where I’m living.

To the community at large – thank you for your efforts towards and support of the work being done to raise our community up. It is through every kind and generous act seen and unseen that have made this role an incredibly rewarding experience. I am so very proud of Haysboro and the love residents show on a daily basis.

Wishing you all a wonderful summer,
