An August Message from the Deer Ridge Board


Outdoor Play Areas Are Open!

The playgrounds, tennis courts, rinks, and pathways are all open for outdoor play and practice! Please remember that physical distancing, hand washing, hand sanitizing, and not touching your face are still the most important methods of keeping safe while enjoying these common areas.

Summer in the City

The City of Calgary is hosting a number of free events and activities for families, youth, and older adults, as well as some stay at home activities, this summer. There are 12 dates for the Community Nature Adventure Playground during the month of August, and 3 dates for Family Golf Nights, with golfers between the ages of 6 and 17 playing for free. Check for details at

The City of Calgary website also has a list of admission specials for Calgary Leisure Centres, as well as details for Fitness in the Park (South Glenmore Park), and Toys in the Waterpark – see

Support the Businesses in Our Community

Please remember to support our local Deer Ridge businesses. These businesses have been a mainstay and a backbone of our community. They feed us, they sponsor our events, help us to stay fit, ensure we don’t have to go far to get the goods and services we need, provide discounts to community members, and help us collect community association membership revenues. If we want to continue to enjoy the convenience of having these businesses right here in our neighbourhood, we will need to show them some love. Support our community – buy local!

Deer Ridge Community Association Meetings

There will be no regular Community Association Board meeting in August.

Mark Your Calendar

The Deer Ridge Community Association will hold its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, September 15, this year. Watch for details!

*Please watch the Deer Ridge Community Association website for meeting and event updates.