An August Message from the Mount Pleasant Board

MountPleasant mb

This has been a summer for finding new ways to be creative and celebrate. We hope you are finding the joy in this season. Congratulations, and a huge thank you, to our Special Events Director, Natalia Gorobinski, and all of the artists who participated in the MPCA Art Walk on the weekend of June 19 to 21! My wife and I enjoyed our walk around the community. I think we saw almost all of the displays in our travels. It was inspiring to see all of the different forms of creativity alive in Mount Pleasant! We saw watercolours, oil paintings, tapestry, sculpture, ceramics, glass blowing, photography, and poetry written in calligraphy. Two of the artists we spoke with expressed their appreciation for the courses they took at ACAD (now known as Alberta University of the Arts), which is located just outside the boundaries of MPCA at SAIT. A special thank you to the children who displayed their art work, including the chalk art displays! I am sure our sidewalks have never looked so beautiful.

We hope you found ways to enjoy Canada Day and what should have been Stampede week! Our family did enjoy some of the traditional food events, even though we were limited to a drive-through experience. We are trying to balance the effect on our waistlines by our increase in gardening and by walking in Confederation Park.

As a Board, we are continuing to look at safe reopening strategies. Because the guidelines change rapidly, please look at the MPCA website for the most up-to-date information. We thank our NPC (City representative) Catherine Gulinao, our Communications Director, Aleah Kane, and our Treasurer, Tamara Flindell, for their hard work during these challenging times.

Philip E. Carr

Past President – MPCA
