Responsible Pet Ownership in Parks

dog park
ttwan / Pixabay

As we all enjoy being outside and spending time with our family, friends and pets; we want to ensure we are creating as safe place for all our neighbours. Knowing and adhering to the regulations in the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw 23M2006 helps to ensure that dogs are not being a nuisance in the community and dogs and citizens are safe.

City of Calgary would like to remind dog owners of the following:

  • When off of their owner’s property, dogs must be on a leash unless in a designated off-leash area.
  • When in designated off-leash areas, dog owners must ensure their dog is under control, is within their sight and responds to commands.
  • Parking lots adjacent to off-leash areas are on leash.
  • Owners are responsible for picking up all waste produced by their dog.
  • Dogs are not allowed in school grounds, playgrounds, sport fields, golf courses, cemeteries, wading and swimming areas, and other areas prohibited by signs.
  • Dogs must be walked on the right-hand side of the pathway on a leash that is no more than two metres in length and must not interfere with other pathway users.
  • Owners cannot cycle, in-line skate or skateboard on a pathway with a leashed dog.
  • Dogs must not enter or swim in any body of water within a park except a river that runs through, or is adjacent to, a City park.
  • Dogs must have and wear a City of Calgary licence when the dog is three-months-old

When we respect the bylaw, we contribute to a safer and healthier community.

Thank you for being responsible dog owners and valued community partners.

For more information about the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw, visit or contact 311.