Help Neighbours in Need this Holiday Season with the Calgary Food Bank

christmas hamper
PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay

Every year we at the Federation of Calgary Communities along with our city’s community associations, and other community partners across the city, join Mayor Naheed Nenshi in the Mayor’s Annual Christmas Food Drive, in support of the Calgary Food Bank.

Last year, over 35 community associations participated in the event and with the generosity of their residents helped raise more than $14,000 in food and funds for The Calgary Food Bank!

We invite you to help us raise even more this year by donating non-perishable food items at your local community association throughout the month of December!

In Alberta, one in ten individuals experience food insecurity, with 17% of children living in food insecure households. In Calgary, 47% of Calgary Food Bank clients are families with children. These are our neighbours from across the city. Let’s step up to help them this holiday season. Every little bit counts!

Items on this year’s “Holiday Wish List” include canned fish and vegetables, soup, rice, pasta, pasta sauce, boxed macaroni and cheese, peanut butter, fruit juice, baby food and formula, and diapers.

In addition to your local community association donations can also be made at any of the Calgary Food Bank partners including Safeway, Co-op, Superstore, Sobeys, Costco, and many more.

Visit for more information on items to donate and drop-off locations.

This monthly column provided courtesy of the Federation of Calgary Communities, a not-for-profit organization that supports the city’s 152 community associations, and offers resources like organizational development, financial services, urban planning, crime prevention and safety, engagement, and more. Visit to learn more.