Blackfoot District Guiding – March

Guides Blackfoot District

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Spring is just around the corner and our Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders & Rangers will be selling yummy sandwich Girl Guide cookies beginning the last week of March and first week of April. Look for us in your neighbourhood or at a local retail location. They are only $5.00 a box and support our many activities.

Blackfoot District held a super roller skating event at Lloyd’s before they closed forever!

The Spark units attended STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) Day, are working on their Action on Poverty challenge for the food bank and are checking out the animals in our neighbourhoods.

The Brownie units went to Brownie Academy at Camp Jubilee, are having a movie night, visiting the library and learning about the weather.

The Guide units will be busy with camping, snowshoeing, rock climbing, St. Patrick’s Day celebrations and cookie selling in March.

The Pathfinder and Ranger units had a baking contest, made Valentines for Veterans, learned how to make concrete jewellery, will be going to camp and going to Alberta Girl’s Parliament in Edmonton.

Guiding is a great place to build new friendships and experience new challenges. Why not give us a try?

If you have any questions regarding Guiding or registration, please call Calgary Area Girl Guides at 403-283-8348 or email [email protected].

Girl Greatness Starts Here!