July 2024 Ward 1 Report – Councillor Sonya Sharp


Hello, Ward 1!

Summer is officially here. It was great to see so many of you at Neighbour Day events in June, and I’m looking forward to meeting more of you at Calgary Stampede events in our community.

Property Tax Reminder

A reminder that June 28 was the deadline for the payment of property taxes unless you participate in the TIPP program. Due to delays at the land titles office, some owners of recently acquired properties may not have received their tax bills on time. If you have not received your bill, call 3-1-1 for a statement of account.

Free Summer Activities

The City of Calgary offers a variety of free activities and programs for families across our city throughout the year, but they’re especially popular during the summer months. There are events and programs for all ages. Find out what’s happening near you at calgary.ca/free.

Flood and Drought Conditions

May 15 until July 15 is flood season in Calgary. The City offers an e-newsletter for the latest information on river conditions including tips and resources. Sign up and learn more at calgary.ca/flood.

Both flooding and drought are concerns in our city’s climate. Thanks once again to everyone taking steps to conserve water. Reducing water consumption year-round helps protect our drinking water supply. Learn more at calgary.ca/drought.

Mowing in Public Spaces

The City offers different levels of lawn maintenance for different spaces depending on how they are used. Sports fields might have more than 20 mowing cycles per season, while small parks may have seven to ten, and major boulevards about four. Wet weather makes the soil soft and can lead to heavy equipment sinking into the ground, leading to delays.

Concerns about parks maintenance can be reported by calling 3-1-1 or visiting calgary.ca/311.

Ward 1 – Councillor Sonya Sharp proudly serves the following Communities: Bowness, Crestmont, Greenwood-Greenbriar, Rocky Ridge, Royal Oak, Royal Vista, Scenic Acres, Silver Springs, Tuscany, Valley Ridge, Varsity Acres


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