March 2024 Ward 1 Report – Councillor Sonya Sharp


Hello, Ward 1! Here’s the latest news affecting your city and your community.

Drought Conditions

Last summer was dry, and it has been another dry winter for the most part. In order to protect our ecosystems and drinking water supply, The City may once again need to put water restrictions in place this spring. Taking steps year-round to reduce water consumption can help reduce the impact of drought and reduce the need for restrictions. Learn more at

Blanket Rezoning

On April 22, Councill will hold a public hearing on changing the zoning of single-family properties across the city to the “R-CG” district. This would allow the construction of townhouses or duplexes on most residential properties in Calgary without an individual hearing before Council. More information is available at

For more information on the proposed rezoning, including whether your property is affected, visit

Property Assessment

A reminder that The City’s Customer Review Period for property tax assessment ends on March 11. This is also the deadline for filing an appeal with the Assessment Review Board. Questions or concerns? Contact Assessment directly at 403-268-2888 or visit

River Valleys Project

The Government of Alberta recently released new draft flood hazard maps for the Bow and Elbow Rivers. These maps are used by The City to inform how land is used in areas that could be affected by flooding. The City will be updating its policies related to flooding and land use later this year. While these policies affect all Calgarians, they are especially important for residents of low-lying areas like Bowness in Ward 1. Learn more at

Ward 1 – Councillor Sonya Sharp proudly serves the following Communities: Bowness, Crestmont, Greenwood-Greenbriar, Rocky Ridge, Royal Oak, Royal Vista, Scenic Acres, Silver Springs, Tuscany, Valley Ridge, Varsity Acres


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