Budget! Budget! Budget!


Hi Ward 14!

Budget! Budget! Budget! For a City Councillor, this is the most important time of their four-year term in office. It is game time, and we need to have our game faces on. Especially with unprecedentedly large issues like the Green Line, the Olympics, and the possibility of a new event centre casting their shadows.

2019-2022 City Budget

In November, we will approve the City’s financial plan—and consequently its priorities—for the next four years. But I have been preparing for this for many months now, and things will start to ramp up even more until our actual budget deliberations.

I am going to spend the bulk of my online column explaining the budget, and showing you how you can exercise your democratic right to influence the outcome. To read it visit calgary.ca/ward14newsletter. I would really like to have your opinion.

Here are a couple of other ways to participate:

Citizens’ View – The City’s Online Research Panel

This is a place where you can sign up to be a part of surveys that the City will use to influence decisions. I will talk about it in more detail at calgary.ca/ward14newsletter, but if you can’t wait, just go straight to citizensview.ca to sign up.

Business Perspectives – The City’s Online Business Research Panel

This is very similar to the online research panel, but it relates to—you guessed it—businesses. Again, I will talk about it in more detail at calgary.ca/ward14newsletter. If you’re impatient, and think you can offer a unique business perspective, then email [email protected] to learn more and join the Business Perspectives Panel.

Don’t forget to visit calgary.ca/ward14newsletter for the full version of this column, and feel free to contact me any time. The best way to do so is by visiting calgary.ca/contactward14.

-Councillor Peter Demong