May – Councillor Joe Magliocca’s Report


Many residents in Ward 2 have shared their concerns and suggestions with me on how to improve our public transit network in northwest Calgary. I have been working with Calgary Transit to ensure that some of these suggestions will be implemented. One significant improvement that has been implemented is the new transit service to Nolan Hill, which is the new Route 82. The new Route 82 connects Nolan Hill to the Sage Hill Hub (Walmart), the Brentwood LRT Station and to the Beacon Hill shopping centre. This route also provides bus stops near the communities of Sage Hill, Sherwood and Kincora. Route 82 runs every 30 minutes during peak hours. For more information on the new Route 82, please visit

Calgary Transit has also changed the name of Route 429 Sherwood to Route 129 Dalhousie – Sage Hill to better represent the connections available on the route.

We are continuing to evaluate options for improvements to transit in the Evanston community so that there is a better connection to major destinations like the downtown. If you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve transit routes in your community, or to advocate for better transit services, please contact Calgary Transit at  or my office via webmail at

Held annually on the third Saturday of June, Neighbour Day is an opportunity for neighbours to come together in the form of a front yard barbecue, garden party, picnic, clean-up or afternoon tea in a local park to celebrate our strong community spirit in Calgary. The idea is to meet your neighbours, make new friends, have fun and maybe work together on a project that benefits the entire community. Mark Saturday, June 17 on your calendar and visit for ideas on celebrating Neighbour Day.