June 2024 Ward 6 Report – Councillor Richard Pootmans


Hello, Ward 6,

Seniors’ Week is celebrated annually across Alberta and this year it will be held from June 3 to June 9. It is a time to show appreciation for older adults and the significant contributions they make to our communities. They support their families and friends, volunteer their time and resources to various charities, and play an essential role in making our communities better places to live.

Get involved! Whether or not you choose to attend a Seniors’ Week event, Age-Friendly Calgary encourages you to celebrate aging in your own way. Help spread Seniors’ Week awareness with the social media hashtags #seniorsweek and #agefriendlyyyc.

Seniors’ Week events and updates will be posted at calgary.ca/seniorsweek.

Another celebratory event happening just around the corner is Canada Day. This City of Calgary event is free and family-friendly, featuring Indigenous and cultural performances, live music, activities, art, and more.

Canada Day is for everyone. It’s a time to honour the rich traditions of Indigenous history and culture and welcome those who have moved here from all over the world. We can all be proud to live in a great city and country where people from all walks of life unite on Canada Day to celebrate culture and community.

We want Canada Day celebrations to reflect the many different interests and backgrounds of Calgarians. Whether you attend often or haven’t attended for a while, this is your opportunity to tell us what’s important to you on Canada Day and what an ideal downtown event looks like.

Have your say at calgary.ca/CanadaDaySurvey. The deadline to provide input is July 4, 2024. Feedback collected will be used to shape future Canada Day celebrations in Calgary.


Councillor Richard Pootmans

Ward 6 – Councillor Richard Pootmans proudly serves the following Communities: Aspen Estates, Aspen Woods, Christie Park, Coach Hill, Cougar Ridge, Discovery Ridge, Glamorgan, Glenbrook, Glendale, Medicine Hill, Patterson, Signal Hill, Springbank Hill, Strathcona, Wentworth, West Springs, Westgate


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