Bee-Friendly City


“Bees have so much to offer us if we only listen.” – Jay Ebben, Painted Hives

Bees may be tiny, but they play an enormous role in our health and survival. Our world is highly dependent on pollinators—living creatures that transport pollen from plant to plant. Pollinators are essential for our forests, meadows, and for crop sustainability. Without pollinators, the rich and vibrant life our ecosystem supports cannot survive.

Between 25 to 30 per cent of wild bee species worldwide are at risk of extinction due to climate change, insecticides, and habitat loss. Many cities are introducing strategies to combat this global issue. While the provincial Bee Act governs bees and beekeeping, cities can initiate bee-friendly approaches to promote healthy pollinator population growth.

The City of Calgary recently launched several projects to help pollinator populations flourish. The “Mulch to Monarchs” program in Riley, Rotary, and Crescent Heights Parks over-seeded mulch beds with wildflowers to support pollinators. This also helps control weed growth. The “Bee and Butterfly Pollinator Boulevard” will be a pollinator-friendly corridor from Macleod Trail to Bow Bottom Trail to attract native bees and butterflies with wildflowers and a variety of nesting habitats. Other upcoming projects such as the “Memorial Drive Naturalization Plan” will focus on low maintenance native plants and flowers.

There are a number of ways Calgarians can help bee and pollinator populations thrive:

  • Plant a variety of native flowers in your own or community garden to provide additional food sources to pollinators. In previous years, the Ward 7 office gave pencils to school kids to commemorate their City Hall visit. Now, we offer seed packages containing five different species of native flowers they can take home and plant.
  • Manage your garden without using harmful chemical pesticides that compromise our ecosystem.
  • Raise awareness on the importance of bees to human and environmental sustainability.

We must always keep our healthy future in mind and do our part to protect pollinators. I encourage Calgarians to help support a “bee-friendly” city.

For more information, visit and search for “bees”.

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