December 2023 MLA Report – Calgary Currie – Janet Eremenko

Calgary Currie

In late October, the City of Calgary unveiled the results of its Fall 2023 city-wide survey. For the first time ever, “poverty, homelessness, and housing affordability” was the biggest issue of concern for Calgarians. The survey is meant to guide city council’s priorities, but all elected officials should be paying attention because each order of government has a responsibility to address the housing crisis. Every week, another constituent contacts my office in distress because they’re facing rent increases, sometimes up to 40 and 50 per cent higher. Some are being evicted for renovations and can’t find a new home that fits their budget. Members of Bow Cliff Seniors expressed to me how much they fear a sudden change to their precarious living situations. Students are accessing campus food banks in greater and greater numbers as they try to afford rent and their ever-increasing tuition.

The housing crisis keeps me up at night. As the critic for Mental Health and Addiction, I’m extremely worried about the long-term impacts of the stress and anxiety caused by the lack of affordable housing, that’s also safe and well-maintained. At the same time, inadequate housing and chronic poverty can exacerbate existing mental illness and substance use disorders. Housing is an essential social determinant of health.

Unfortunately, without a minister dedicated to housing we can’t tell if this is even on the government’s radar. They’ve announced funding for affordable housing but those are years away from being built. We need action now and we’ve invited the government to the table to create solutions together. This is the top issue in Calgary today and it demands more attention than it’s currently getting.

If you’re having any issues with finding housing, my best advice is to call 211. They are trained to guide you through anything and can direct you to numerous helpful resources.

MLA – Calgary Currie Janet Eremenko proudly serves the following Communities: Bankview, Currie, Glenbrook, Glendale, Killarney-Glengarry, Richmond-Knob Hill, Rosscarrock, Rutland Park, Scarboro, Scarboro/Sunalta West, Shaganappi, Spruce Cliff, Sunalta, Westgate