December 2024 MLA Report – Calgary Currie – Janet Eremenko

Calgary Currie

I’m saddened that this government has chosen to introduce legislation that will interfere with the delivery of healthcare for transgender youth and will interfere with the provision of sexual health education in schools. I want school and sports and healthcare to be safe spaces for all. I want this for myself, my neighbours, my own children and their respective school communities. Part of ensuring safety is creating spaces where kids can feel confident to be themselves. I believe more than ever that parents, teachers, and physicians want the same, and that this legislation does not improve safety or trust.

On this issue, every single email I received has asked me to vigorously oppose the UCP government’s legislation. Often, the writers have shared personal stories about gender affirming care and how it allowed themselves or their loved ones to grow up to be incredibly successful adults. They talk about how their decisions regarding health care were made together with their doctor at the appropriate age and stage. That at each step, there was informed consent.

Others have written not because of any personal relationship with a transgender or questioning person, but because they worry about the lives of youth and empathize with the school staff and healthcare workers faced with an impossible choice. Many of these people gave me permission to table their emails in the Legislature to ensure their voices are captured on the public record. If this is of interest, I welcome your correspondence.

Lastly, to those who feel alone, like you’re being forced to hide your true self and carry on quietly without any support, you have a huge community in Calgary-Currie out there cheering for you and speaking up for you. To the LGBTQ+ community and your family, friends and allies, I am 100% on your side.

MLA – Calgary Currie Janet Eremenko proudly serves the following Communities: Bankview, Currie, Glenbrook, Glendale, Killarney-Glengarry, Richmond-Knob Hill, Rosscarrock, Rutland Park, Scarboro, Scarboro/Sunalta West, Shaganappi, Spruce Cliff, Sunalta, Westgate