Holiday Greetings, the Importance of Giving Back, and a Christmas Open House

Calgary Fish Creek

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! That time of year again and whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Bodhi Day, or Winter Solstice there is reason to celebrate a joyous season. The Legislature is scheduled to rise December 5th and I look forward to being back in Calgary amongst family, friends and my cherished constituents. While the 2019 Budget reflects the responsible spending Albertans expect, during times of austerity we must commit to supporting our neighbours, while strengthening our communities. Gratefully, for many of us the season brings gatherings with family and friends and sharing of gifts and food in celebration.

But for many across Alberta, food on the table is NOT a given. Which is why I would like to spotlight one of my favourite charities, the Calgary Food Bank. The early 1980s was difficult for Alberta and for many it was a crisis. The National Energy Program decimated Alberta’s economy and left thousands of Calgarians unemployed, bankrupt, homeless and hungry. Sadly, much of what was experienced in the ’80s are again upon us with the failure of the federal government to secure approvals for much-needed pipelines. In 1982, religious leaders including a Priest, Rabbi, and Imam decided to come together to increase their collective capacity to do good. Each of them was already distributing food to those in need, but they intuitively knew that we are stronger together. They mobilized, sought out partnerships and engaged an army of volunteers. The religious leaders’ mission was “service with action”. They were incorporated as the Calgary Interfaith Food Bank and while the name has been shortened to the Calgary Food Bank, their mission remains the same: “together we fight hunger and its root causes because no one should go hungry”. The statistics of the Food Bank are astounding; not only do they feed the hungry, but they divert thousands of tonnes of food from landfills. All of this is done in collaboration with industry and community. Did you know that in 2018 over 180,000 families were served? That 4 out of 10 served are children? Or that over 42,000 volunteers donated their time? The Calgary Food Bank is fully supported by industry and private donors, which are its lifeblood. Truly the Calgary Food Bank is a beacon of light and hope for many during the Holiday Season. For every $1 donated they are able to give $5 worth of food, so please consider giving generously to this community-spirited cause.

For this reason, in lieu of Christmas Cards, I will be making a personal donation to the Calgary Food Bank and will be accepting donations at my office during the month and at my annual Christmas Open House. I welcome you to join me on December 19th from 5-7pm at my Bonavista Downs office. Please come for some light snacks, spirited discussion, and activities for all ages. As always, your feedback helps me to better represent you in Edmonton, so please reach out via phone 403-278-4444 or [email protected] anytime. Merry Christmas and Happy 2020 to all!