The summer season is slowly coming to an end, it has been my pleasure to meet so many constituents and Calgarians out door-knocking or at Stampede breakfasts and barbecues to discuss important issues that impact their everyday lives
Soon it will be time to head back to school for many students. I am focused on advocating for students of all ages and backgrounds because education is key to our province’s future. That’s why it was important over the last 3 years to not lay off teachers or dramatically hike post-secondary tuition, because education allows people to work hard to achieve their goals.
In addition to education, job-training is crucial to keep Albertan’s working. I am pleased that the government was able to secure 6 years of job-training funding that will be help Alberta be in the best position to succeed.
Thank you for taking the time to read my community update. I can best serve you as your MLA when I hear from you. Please feel free to contact my office at or 403-216-5444.